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Annual reports

To see the annual reports, please go here.

Press release FOEN 15 April 2024

According to a statement by the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the UN has officially confirmed that Switzerland has fulfilled its obligations under the Kyoto Protocol for the period 2013 to 2020 by reducing its emissions by an average of 15.8% compared to 1990. Among other things, the certificates from climate protection projects abroad handed over to the federal government by the Climate Cent Foundation were used to achieve these goals. However, only half of the 20 million or so certificates handed over were required, each of which documents the reduction of one tonne of CO₂ equivalent. The surplus of around 10 million certificates will be cancelled by the federal government as a voluntary contribution to global climate protection. In terms of the reference year 1990, thanks to the Climate Cent Foundation, Switzerland’s reduction performance increased by a substantial 2.3 percentage points to 18.1% between 2013 and 2020.

Press release FOEN 15 April 2024 (only DE, FR, IT)

Press release 22 August 2023

The Climate Cent Foundation is supporting five Swiss projects until 2030 with a total of 50 million Swiss francs, in which CO₂ is directly separated off in special plants and permanently stored in building materials or underground. Thus it is providing an important contribution to the development of the so-called negative emissions technologies that are required in order to meet the net zero target by 2050 that was adopted by the country in June 2023.

Press release 22 August 2023

Media release 16 May 2022

Until 2032, the Climate Cent Foundation will invest its funds primarily in climate protection projects in the private sector, in which CO₂ that is difficult to avoid is permanently removed from the atmosphere (negative emission technologies, NET) or directly captured and stored at plants (carbon capture and storage, CCS).

Media release dated 16 May 2022

Press release November 25, 2021

Worldwide first purchase agreement for Paris certifi­cates: A joint pi­oneering initiative of the Climate Cent and the KliK Founda­tions.

Media release dated November 25, 2021

Press release October 14, 2020

Switzerland and Peru: First bilateral agreement worldwide for climate protection projects under the Paris Convention.

Media release dated October 14, 2020

Press release 14 April 2014

Die Stiftung Klimarappen hat dem Bund eine zusätzliche Million Klimaschutz-Zertifikate geliefert, damit die Schweiz ihre völkerrechtliche Verpflichtung zur Begrenzung der Treibhausgasemissionen unter dem Kyoto-Protokoll einhalten kann. Ausserdem verkauft die Stiftung Klimarappen rund 0,7 Millionen Schweizer Emissionsrechte an die Stiftung Klimaschutz und CO₂-Kompensation KliK. Des Weiteren beteiligt sich die Stiftung Klimarappen mit 23 Millionen USD an der „Carbon Initiative for Development“, einem Klimaschutzfonds der Weltbank.

Medienmitteilung vom 15. April 2014
Final Report 2005 - 2013

2008 campaign

How does the Climate Cent protect our climate? In its 2008 campaign, the Climate Cent Foundation used concrete examples to show the Swiss population how the 1.5 cents paid with each purchased litre of petrol and diesel go towards protecting our climate.

Please click here to view the 2008 campaign.